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Executive: Mary Ronan, chair; Jeanette Altenau, Michael Chasnoff, Chris Makaroff, Denisha Porter, Kate Schroder, Allison Tepper and Rick Williams.
Operations & Audit: Allison Tepper, chair; Sara Bolton, Chris Makaroff, Kenneth Washington and Rick Williams; non-director members: Valerie Hardcastle, Vice President for Health Innovations, Northern Kentucky University; officers: Patti Ruwe and Kate Schroder.
Governance: Jeanette Altenau, chair; Chris Makaroff, Mary Ronan, Kate Schroder and Rick Williams.
Investment: Michael Chasnoff, chair; Holly Mazzocca, Mary Ronan, Kate Schroder and Kenneth Washington; non-director members: Curtis Bailey, Founder, Chief Compliance Officer, Financial Advisor - Quiet Wealth Management, Jim McGrath, partner, Cassady Schiller Wealth Management LLC; ex-officio member: Rick Williams; officer: Patti Ruwe.
Strategy & Policy: Denisha Porter, chair; Jeanette Altenau, Alfonso Cornejo, Uma Kotagal, Terrence Poole, Kate Schroder, Allison Tepper and Bryan Wright; non-director members: Liz Carter, CEO/President, Scripps Howard Foundation, Tony Cox, Retiree, Bracken County Health Department, Elizabeth Kelly, Professor and Executive Vice Chair, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine; ex-officio member: Rick Williams; officers: Ross Meyer and Ashlee Young.
The following documents detail the governance policies of Interact for Health, formerly The Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati, and its Board of Directors.